• 2018

    To date, the company has consolidated its global leadership in the cableways market for banana with a presence in more than 30 countries in the Americas, Africa and Asia. Globalization is also taking place in the oil palm sector in Africa and Asia.

  • 2014

    We designed and manufactured our first post-harvest devices for flowers, manufacturing conveyor belts, elevated conveyors, bouquet conveyor belts, etc.


  • 2010

    We complemented oil palm cables with post-harvest solutions such as drag and weigh units, unloading platforms and pallet elevator conveyors.

  • 2006

    Cableways systems for transporting oil palm fruit began. At the same time, mobile cable was started for transportation applications in mountain crops to serve the citrus and avocados sectors.


  • 2004

    Our first negotiations in Philippines, supplying equipment to companies such as Lapanday and Del Monte Philippines. Likewise, we started the development of banana packing equipment and buildings, supplementing the cableways and overhead cable propping systems.

  • 2003

    Centro Aceros installs its pipeline manufacturing line aiming at completing the integration of the constituent products of cableways systems, becoming the only fully integrated global producer since raw materials, design, manufacturing, installation and service. This integration was the beginning of the company’s leadership in the global market of cableways systems


  • 1998

    We consolidated African markets and started exporting to Central America.

  • 1995

    Centro Aceros starts its internationalization by making the first exports of cableways, fruit patios and overhead cable propping systems to Cameroon and Ivory Coast for multinational companies such as Del Monte and Compagnie Fruitière.


  • 1994

    Likewise, this year we started the incursion in the Colombian flower sector by installing the first cableway systems in greenhouses.

  • 1993

    Upon carrying out important advances in the local market of cable systems, fruit patios and overhead cable propping systems in Santa Marta, Centro Aceros makes its incursion into the Uraba area, hand in hand with the Colombian marketing companies Proban, Banacol and Uniban.


  • 1991

    The Company detects an important opportunity in cableways systems in the banana sector, supported by the planting of more than 3,000 hectares the multinational Chiquita Brands develops in the Santa Marta area. The Cableways Business Strategic Unit was born.

  • 1989

    Production lines for cold drawn  bars and wires are implemented.


  • 1987

    Centro Aceros SAS, was incorporated as a Company distributer and importer of Steel for manufacturing machinery and equipment.


Ensuring the satisfaction and loyalty of all our clients by developing a team of world-class collaborators working with criteria as to effectiveness, creativity, equity and continuous improvement. All our actions are backed-up by corporate values, and they are committed to the economic, environmental and social sustainable development of our country.


By 2021, we will be consolidated as an extraordinary place to work, with a marked role for our clients, with whom we will evolve through innovation, sustainability and globalization.


  • Commitment: We understand commitment as the capacity of delivery and constant persistence achieving established objectives. It is the ineludible fulfillment of what we promise.
  • Respect: It is the predominance of an environment of acceptance of difference, where the individuality of the other is not attacked or invaded, and establishing limits according to parameters of healthy coexistence.
  • Honesty: Simple respect for truth in relation to the world, facts, people and oneself within equality and fairness criteria.
  • Service: It is the permanent and friendly willingness to meet the expectations and desires of the people.


We promise our clients respect for established commitments, the best cost-benefit relationship with our systems and a permanent support that is based on our experience and mutual trust relationships.

Cold drawn Steels

We offer our clients products featuring consistent quality, delivery compliance, trust relationships and support for the optimization of their inventories.

Centro Aceros’ quality policy is manifested through our firm commitment to comply with the obligations established with clients, employees, shareholders and the community in general; for this we guarantee to promote a culture of quality based on our corporate values and promotion of innovation and continuous improvement.

Centro Aceros performs strict quality controls in each of its production lots, backed by its quality laboratory and qualified staff. The entire information is registered in the system, which allows us having the traceability of the product and offer a full guarantee backed by our commitment to service and corporate values.

  • Cold drawn Steels Bars: Pursuant to SAE and ISO.
  • Cableways: 1 Year and they may be extended to 5 years.

ISO 9001 - 2015

In order to ensure our international position, we have certified the Company’s processes through the ISO 9001: 2015 standard, granted by BVQI. Our responsibility to the environment has led us to a company with productive processes friendly to the environment.

Centro Aceros has two world-class plants, staffed with qualified personnel and it has high-tech equipment for manufacturing its products.


Centro Aceros is present in more than 30 countries, covering South and Central America, Africa, Europe and Asia. We are able to dispatch to any part of the world where our products are an optimal solution for the needs of the client.

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